Daily Update(1/21/25)

Daily Update - Jan 21st, 2025

Hey hey hey, here's the daily update! Today I spent a bit more time in the random event internals, and make it even more extensible, so I was able to add a few more fun events with the extra functionality. Also, a couple minor tweaks here and there. We're up to 9 unique events now, which is enough that you won't see them all in a single run, which is good I think. I'll probably add a few more, but I should probably start thinking about fleshing out the customers a bit now that the weeks are a bit less static, for the sake of adding more engaging day-to-day gameplay. We'll see what I think up tomorrow I guess! Here's the changelog for today:

Changelog (v0.5.2)


  • New Content: Added a new event: Shady Dealings (Gain money, at the cost of adding tax bills to your starting inventory)
  • New Content: Added a new event: Comet sighted: (Either relax watching the comet, or stay inside and raise prices)
  • New Content: Added a new event: Pie Eating Contest (Either join or sponsor a competitor, for a variety of rewards)
  • New Content: Added a new event: Armor Auction (An all-pay auction for a polished version of the Heavy Armor Item)
  • Gameplay: Updated a number of events to take money when the user would expect money to be taken instead of at the end of the event
  • Bugfix: Fixed money updated event firing slightly before money tween was done tweening, which could cause some weird interactions around checking what money actually equals after changing player money
  • Internal: Refactored custom Event resource to allow for more customizable 2nd and 3rd stages of events


Raccoons to Riches.exe 101 MB
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Raccoons_to_riches.x86_64 84 MB
1 day ago

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