Daily Update(12/17/24)

Daily Update - Dec 17th, 2024

Hi folks! Sorry for missing yesterday's update, I was going bonkers fighting with making the art in game render nicer, and it took a little longer than expected, haha. Today's update is mostly UI and Art focused, since I've gotten some feedback that the Hand UI is a bit hard to read at various points. To remedy this, I've redesigned Cards in general to have clearer text, sharper art, and a bit of a nicer looking UI composition. Here's a preview:


Now that the UI is (hopefully) a bit nicer, I think the rest of the week should return to adding some new content, either some new/improved customers, or starting to fill out the Uncommon shopkeeper tactics. Whew! Here's the full changelog for the day:

Changelog (v0.3.8)


  • UI: Redesigned card UI for Items, Tactics, and Customers to be much more readable at all screen sizes.
  • UI: Reduced card hover state jank by fixing hovered cards to the bottom of the viewport when hovered.
  • UI: Slightly raised up the Hand display scene in the sales day room so more of the cards are visible.
  • UI: Improved card art rendering by switching to linear filtering to reduce art "jagginess"
  • Art: Added new art for the Super Potion, Potionomics, and Distill Potion cards


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untitled_raccoon_capitalism_linux_build.x86_64 74 MB
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Get Raccoons to Riches

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